Dr. Craig Bingman

Presentation: A Brief History of Calcification: From Limewater to Everything Else and Back Again

A video lecture will be made available in advance of MACNA, and can be found here. The conference presentation time will be devoted to answering questions arising from the video presentation.
Bio: Who am I? I was that eight-year old kid subjecting his first fish tank to way too much pH down and pH up, in his first real exposure to a chemical test. I was a member of that group of people who figured out reef aquarium chemistry. I was and am a biochemist, who uses incredible x-rays sources at National Labs to make pictures of the molecules that make life possible. I also love freshwater planted aquariums, orchids, and carnivorous plants. Most importantly, I’m the father of a five-year old. Watching his mind bootstrap and develop his own personality and interests is the greatest pleasure of my life. I’ve noticed he really likes clownfish….”