Todd Gardner: How the reefing hobby’s innovations drive marine aquaculture. Todd Gardner: How the reefing hobby’s innovations drive marine aquaculture. Aquaculture,Breeding,Collection,Conservation,Education,Husbandry,Intermediate,MACNA 2019,Public Aquariums,Todd Gardner 2,970 views You may also like 38:14 Dr. Tim Miller-Morgan: Principles of Biosecurity and Fish Health Management 1,901 views Advanced,Education,Fish Health,MACNA 2018,Quarantine,Testing,Tim Miller-Morgan 44:49 MASNA 2021 Aquarist of the Year, Kathy Leahy – MACNA 2021 173 views Awards,Bill Chapman,Breeding,Conservation,Education,Erin Pereira,Fish Health,Husbandry,Intermediate,Kathy Leahy,Kevin Erickson,MACNA 2021,Matt Pedersen,Richard Ross,Speaker Name,Tal Sweet,Tom Bowling,Tomas Priscu 42:13 Joe Yaiullo: Bonsai Reef Keeping in a 20,000 Gallon Box 2,996 views Advanced,Aquarium History,Education,Husbandry,Joe Yaiullo,MACNA 2018,Public Aquariums,Testing 43:35 Small Scale Aquaculture at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium by Ramon Villaverde 4,185 views Aquaculture,Chemistry,Husbandry,Intermediate,MACNA 2016,Public Aquariums,Ramon Villaverde 44:48 Richard Ross: Dig Through Reef BS and Come Out Smelling Clean. 8,267 views Beginner,Education,Fish Health,MACNA 2018,Richard Ross,Testing 31:08 Captive Breeding Pacific Blue Tangs by Eric Cassiano 32,070 views Advanced,Breeding,Education,Eric Cassiano,Fish Health,Husbandry,MACNA 2016 «1…141516Page 16 of 16 Larry Blighton2020-08-18T22:37:01-04:00