The 2020 MASNA Award Recipient Alf Jacob Nilsen The 2020 MASNA Award Recipient Alf Jacob Nilsen Alf Jacob Nilsen,Aquarium History,Awards,Charles Delbeek,Julian Sprung,Kevin Erickson,MACNA 2020,Matt Pedersen,Svein Fossa 244 views You may also like 47:15 The Stony Coral Endangered Species Act Proposal by Julian Sprung 9,937 views Advanced,Collection,Conservation,Industry,Julian Sprung,MACNA 2014 36:01 Julian Sprung: Planning for Hurricanes and Other Natural Disasters 2,018 views Advice,Beginner,Education,Hardware,Julian Sprung,MACNA 2018,Planning 1:18:12 MASNA Award Recipient 2021, Svein A. Fosså – MACNA 2021 148 views Alf Jacob Nilsen,Aquarium History,Awards,Education,Intermediate,Julian Sprung,MACNA 2021,Marshall Meyers,Matt Pedersen,Shane Willis,Speaker Name,Svein Fossa 33:44 Jean Jaubert: Reef Keeping Ecology 3,350 views Aquarium History,Education,Intermediate,Jean Jaubert,MACNA 2018 39:22 How Being an Aquarist Led to a Life of Diving, Exploration & Science by Dr Richard Pyle 2,246 views Aquarium History,Collection,Education,Intermediate,MACNA 2016,Richard Pyle 49:53 Dr. Craig Bingman: A bit of chemistry, coral calcification and some reefkeeping history. 5,736 views Advanced,Aquarium History,Chemistry,Craig Bingman,Education,MACNA 2019 123…5»Page 1 of 5 kevinerickson2020-10-30T00:33:35-04:00