Dr. Judy St. Leger: How hobbyists can help grow the ornamental aquaculture research. Dr. Judy St. Leger: How hobbyists can help grow the ornamental aquaculture research. Advanced,Aquaculture,Business,Collection,Conservation,Education,Husbandry,Industry,Judy St. Leger,MACNA 2019,Women In Reefing 3,170 views You may also like 48:17 Bob Fenner: A Means of Paying for Your Marine Habit 4,362 views Bob Fenner,Business,Education,Husbandry,Industry,Intermediate,MACNA 2018,Planning 43:32 Dr. Andrew Rhyne: Will Cyanide detection tests lead to more informed fish purchases? 2,643 views Advanced,Andrew Rhyne,Chemistry,Collection,Education,MACNA 2019,Testing 39:22 How Being an Aquarist Led to a Life of Diving, Exploration & Science by Dr Richard Pyle 2,245 views Aquarium History,Collection,Education,Intermediate,MACNA 2016,Richard Pyle 45:27 Mark Callahan: How to Successfully Quarantine Fish 17,733 views Beginner,Chemistry,Education,MACNA 2018,Mark Callahan,Planning,Quarantine,Testing 38:27 Growth for a captive reef kept at Monaco’s Oceanographic Museum by Jean Jaubert 5,533 views Aquarium History,Education,Husbandry,Intermediate,Jean Jaubert,MACNA 2014,Public Aquariums 49:28 Marc Levenson: Preparing for the Worst 5,125 views Beginner,Education,Hardware,MACNA 2017,Marc Levenson,Planning,Testing «1…678910…16»Page 8 of 16 Larry Blighton2020-11-18T01:10:43-05:00